Group Details

Care Group

Co-Leader: Janice Walker
Co-Leader: Gloria Ramsey
Leader: Deborah Foulkes Bert

Weekly: Mondays at 7:00 PM

Group is Full

Beyond Recovery: Healing for Emotional and Spiritual Wounds

Emotional and spiritual wounds can result from all kinds of difficult experiences. Experiences such as relationship wounds, accidents, domestic violence, and abuse are just a few examples. Beyond Recovery is an interactive group that uses stories, activities, and other experiential methods to promote healing. Each lesson is Bible-based and is designed to promote self-reflection and engagement with God and fellow participants. Topics include: • Trauma and its effects • What the Bible says about suffering • Grief and its relationship to loss and healing • Taking your pain to the cross • Building resilience. Beyond Recovery uses a trauma healing model developed by the Trauma Healing Institute at the American Bible Society:

Community Type








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